vineri, 24 iulie 2009

save it for the rainy days

Hm.... ce face plictiseala din om in secolul nostru... Nu stiu ce face plictiseala din voi, dar stiu precis ce face din mine: Blog! :)) yup, here I am, confused and desperate as ever, incercand sa extrag esenta conceptiei "a trai" din ideea vietii de zi... cu zi.... cu zi?! Da! Cu "zi o data, ca ma enervezi!"

Cheiche... viata asta. Sensul ei ma irita. In fiecare zi aflu chestii noi, si totusi merg la culcare cu senzatia ca n-am invatat nimic. For example: Forget the example! Daca esti adolescent, ma intelegi! Poate nu intru totul, dar asa cat-de-cat... nu?! 

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act 1, scene 2: the heartbreak

My world is like a Ghost Town:

Down is up, and up is down.

The truth is sad, but must be said:

There is no peace in a town that`s undead!

My world is like a Ghost Town...

Down is up... Up is down...

In a world like mine, you`ll find it too late

To once and for all, seperate,

The love

From the hate.

The love I feel for what is real...

And the hate

For what is fake!

The strong are the hunters

The weak are the bate

Concept for "Tempting mistake"

Results the one and only "Heartbreak"

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